Tuesday, 20 January 2009

About Family and animal

Scientists always like compare human family with animal in
to observe human behaviors, like the relationship of a family.
In reality, there are a lot of common things between a family
and a group of animals like the way that mothers bring up their
children when they first come to the earth until they grow up
and how they protect themselves dueing to the basically response.
What’s more, it is commonly assumed that animals become important
to people either when they are living in single-person households,
in which case they provide companionship, or as child substitutes.
The importance of animals as companions and the way they are taken
into account in decisions about family activities such as visits or where
to live indicates that pets can also be considered actors in social networks.
Therefore, it gradually ignores the distinction between social and natural
and how the human and animal act in the social network.However, the
distinction remains strong from some experts’ views as me. Animals can
not understand the reasons why they should act like that. As some examples
suggest, animals may be a source of conflict, or at least irritation between
family members; nor is this necessarily or even usually resolved in favour
of the human family members.
This is just like a conflict between nature and culture.

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