Wednesday 15 April 2009

Sociology homework: Family and households

a) Explain what is meant by the expressive role?
As the name indicates,expressive role is acted by people who are always and more likely to convey the feelings of them which can be seen as emotional support. Therefore,expressive role always stands for the female who stay at home and contribute to the well-being of the relationship in the family. From,expressive role=woman=inside family(tension management and child socialisation).
b) Suggest two ways in which 'family life may have a harmful effect on women
'1)unpaid housework 2)domestic violence
c) Suggests three reasons for the decrease in the death rate since the 1900
1)An improvement in health service.2)A reduction in poverty.3)Increased income and living standards.
d) Examine the ways in which childhood can be said to be socially constructed.
Something that is socially constructed means it is constructed by social meanings and definitions of the society. As Philip Aries describes,the concept of childhood didn't exist in medieval until the 16th century when the upper class family sent their children to schools to get education that children began to be separated with adults. Afterwards,the boundary between adults and children is more clear that in the 19th century,there were some laws that "employment of children is banned and education is compulsory" which shows the separation of children from the adult settings and the different legal status. As the society's value and actions of children change,the childhood also changes. Then is followed by 1989 that the Children Act firstly outlined children's rights and aimed to protect them. For example,Bukatka and Daehler pointed out that the marriage of children under 12 is prohibited. Besides,the Child Support Agency force the absent parents to pay and finance. Then,we can see that children receive really big attention from the society nowadays. Furthermore,we can use the evidende of cross-culture childhood. Different culture and social values will affect the childhood lifeas they are socially constructed. For instance,Asian family always try hard to protect the children whereas children from the Pacific island of Tikopia are allowed to use tools themselves to do some dangerous tasks if they felt ready. However,childhood is not socially constructed all the time. It is said by Nick Lee that the adulthood becomes unstable and therefore reduces the control on the children. This led to the a change in the social construction of childhood and children's rights are increasing. Although it is argued by Neil Postman that the media is breaking down the boundaries between adults and children which may lead to the disappearance of childhood,correct education and displine by parents and teachers can guide the children and hold on their world.
e) Use material from Item 2B and elsewhere, assess the view that the nuclear family is no longer the norm.(not finished till tomorrow)


  1. your answer to (d) has been very useful, thankyou :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What grade essay is that? (answer D)

  4. This information was really helpful!~ Thank you so much~ =^-^=
